Friday, December 2, 2011


Other Names

• Feathering
• molting

Organism or Mechanism

Process of feather replacement

Preventative Measures

• Provide lights to ensure 14 hours of daylight.

Management Treatments

Physical Treatments

• Rub lotion of burdock brew (2 parts) and castor oil (1 part) on exposed areas.
• Other plumage tonics are: foliage of wild daffodils, rosemary brew with a little vinegar, and southernwood brew.

Nutritional Treatments

• Feed sunflower seed mash with milk.
• Feed calcified seaweed with grit.
• Feed linseed meal. 

Herbal Treatments

• Give dill, anise, fennel, seaweed, kelp, bladderwrack, dulse, maidenhair fern, nettle, cleavers, onion, or garlic.

Homeopathic Treatments

• Give Calcarea carb 3X and Phosphate of Iron in water.
• Give Gelsemium 6c for calming.
• If arrested growth of pullets during adult feathering give Calcarea carb.
• If there is foul discharge during adult feathering give Chamomilla.
• If the pullets look scruffy and mangy during adult feathering give Hepar.
• If there is restlessness, crying, and a general feverish condition in the pullets during adult feathering give Aconite.
• If there is a raw corroding fluid among the feathers give Natrum muriaticum.
• All remedies 12 or more pellets dissolved in drinking water or water for feed mash.

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